Espresso con Panna: How to Make It at Home? & What Is It?

If you’re a coffee enthusiast or just someone who enjoys exploring different coffee varieties, you might have come across the term “Espresso con Panna.” This delightful coffee beverage is a simple yet elegant addition to your caffeine repertoire. In this post, we’ll dive into what is, how to make it at home, its origins, and some extra information to enhance your coffee experience.

What is an Espresso con Panna?

Translated from Italian as “espresso with cream,” is a classic coffee drink that combines the bold intensity of espresso with the richness of whipped cream. This marriage of strong coffee and velvety cream creates a well-balanced and indulgent beverage that’s perfect for those who appreciate both the robust flavors of espresso and the smoothness of cream.

What do you need to make one at home?

Making one at home is surprisingly simple, and you don’t need a fancy machine. Here’s what you’ll need:

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Homemade Espresso con Panna

Discover the simplicity of crafting a delicious Espresso con Panna at home without the need for a fancy espresso machine. This recipe requires only a few basic ingredients, allowing you to enjoy this delightful coffee treat with ease.


  • Espresso maker or coffee machine
  • Hand mixer or whisk for whipping cream


  • Espresso: 1-2 shots, depending on preference.
  • Heavy Cream: Fresh and chilled.
  • Sugar: Optional, for sweetening the cream.


  • Step 1: Brew EspressoBrew 1-2 shots of espresso using your preferred method.
  • Step 2: Whip the Heavy CreamIn a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until it forms stiff peaks. Add sugar if you prefer a slightly sweetened cream.
  • Step 3: Pour EspressoPour the brewed espresso into a cup.
  • Step 4: Add Whipped CreamSpoon a dollop of whipped cream on top of the espresso.


  • Experiment with the cream-to-espresso ratio to suit your taste.
  • Enhance your Espresso con Panna by adding a sprinkle of cocoa or cinnamon on top.
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Keyword Espresso con Panna, Homemade, Easy, Coffee, Heavy Cream, Sweetened Cream, Whipped Cream, Espresso Shots, Simple Recipe.

Where does the Espresso con Panna come from?

Originating from Italy, has become a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts worldwide. Its creation is often attributed to the rich coffee culture in Italy, where espresso is a way of life. The addition of cream brings a luxurious twist to the traditional espresso, offering a delightful contrast in both flavor and texture.

Calories does the con Panna have?

An Espresso con Panna is relatively low in calories, primarily coming from the heavy cream. On average, a serving contains approximately 50-100 calories, making it a reasonable indulgence for those mindful of their caloric intake.

How much caffeine?

The caffeine content in an Espresso con Panna is similar to a standard shot of espresso, ranging from 63 to 85 milligrams per shot. This makes it a potent pick-me-up for coffee lovers seeking a quick energy boost.

How to drink Espresso con Panna

To fully savor the flavors of Espresso con Panna, take small sips, allowing the richness of the cream to blend with the boldness of the espresso. The creaminess should complement the coffee rather than overpower it, creating a harmonious and enjoyable drinking experience.

Espresso con Panna is a delightful fusion of espresso and whipped cream, offering a luxurious and satisfying coffee experience. With its simple preparation and versatile nature, it’s a treat that can be enjoyed any time of day. So, why not elevate your coffee routine and indulge in this Italian classic from the comfort of your home?

More coffee recipes

If you’re craving more coffee adventures, explore our collection of coffee recipes. From classic cappuccinos to innovative cold brew concoctions, there’s always a new way to enjoy your favorite beverage. Stay tuned for exciting coffee creations that will elevate your coffee game!